Musicians on stage playing a set


Did Jon really say that?


Did Jon really say that?

What do your pictures say about you? We asked a pop psychologist to analyse three very different people’s Flickr albums…


Most of Jon’s pictures are dark and often portray an element of sadness.There is one key message that Jon is relaying to the viewer. His love of music!

Jon shares photos that have a deeper meaning; the darkness in his pictures seems to represent his reality.  “It is the waiting that is the hardest”: Jon shares with his viewers that it’s what happens backstage and in the dressing room that counts. The glamour on stage is the act and the reality is the other. Jon’s portrayal of what occurs backstage is very telling in that what is considered a career of glam and glory is in actual fact very different for him. Jon seems to be showing the viewer that what happens backstage is what makes his music.

Jon gives the impression that he is a deep thinker. Such an individual requires time to mull over the multitude of information from the experiences that they encounter. He strives to share his passion for things close to his heart, such as social inequalities and people’s human rights.

Jon seems to be a character that strives to deviate from what is considered the norm.  When we think of musicians there are many interpretations.  However, Jon has very carefully shown to us there are many dimensions of being a musician.

Jon shares his pictures of the different locations he has been and enables the viewer to have the freedom to make their own interpretation of these images.

However, the sadness in some of Jon’s pictures is represented because of the absence of laughter and joy.  It could be that Jon wants his viewers to take him seriously or more importantly portray the reality of his life.

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